Tag: venus transits astrology

Venus in Taurus 2011,Venus Transit 2011, Venus Transit,Venus in Taurus,Venus Transits,Venus Transits 2011,Taurus Venus


This period of 2011 continues to be a very favorable time to attract wealth. The upcoming brief transit of Venus through Taurus amplifies this astrological trend.

Venus Enter Taurus
Venus will enter its own sign of Taurus on June 4th, 2011 and will stay only until June 29th.

TaurusTaurus is the 2nd sign to the natural zodiac. The 2nd sign governs sophistication, wealth, acquisition of wealth, and family. The planet Venus governs harmony, romance, bliss, ultimate pleasure luxury, revelry, all precious metals abundance of wealth. Venus entering his own house make him extra strong and authoritative, governing with an unshakable hand that wealth with be the ruling order.

To Gild the Lily

A planetary combination happens during the transit of Rahu and Ketu. Ketu conjoins Venus meaning that Ketu joins Venus in its house of Taurus

There is a astrology dictum stating that when Venus and Ketu are conjoined when Venus is in its own sign or exalted, the combination offers the power of 3 exalted planets.

Ketu is Significator of the “4 Ways of Wealth”, so this limited time is the time to create or build your wealth.


1) Wealth through knowledge

2) Wealth through inheritance

3) Wealth through artistic skills

4) Wealth through unexpected and unearned means

Saints and the Goddess

Ketu is a planet that represents Saints and Saddhus. The blessings of Saints and Saddhus are the keys for fortune and manifestation that have the capacity to change your destiny. The association of Ketu with Saints and Venus with Goddess Lakshmi, will give the potent blessing to grant abundance.

Rain of Gold

Kanakadhara Chanting is the most perfect way to observe this particular transit. The name means ‘Rain of Gold’ and this is usually kept highly secretive as it has so much power to rain down wealth. It is a song of praise to the Goddess Lakshmi sung by the Saint Adi Shankara.

Venus enters into Taurus – Time to Enhance Your Luxury Consciousness

Venus rules 2 mighty signs; Libra and Taurus. When any planet transits into its ‘own sign‘ the energies that the planet emits will be extravagant!

Venus Enters TaurusThere is a popular phrase that goes “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus“. Women are the emerging power now and the centuries to come. Venus governs the “She” gender; whereas the Mars rules the men. Today, women’s economic and social participation is considered a standard requirement for a nation’s healthy democratic development. Computers and other modern innovations are also governed by Venus, and have gained importance in today’s knowledge thirsty world. This change has led to luxury for the masses, more vehicles owned, fashion consciousness, and an increase of all comforts, across the board, in all walks of life!

What does Venus Represent?

• Love and Relatedness
• Values and Social assistance
• Art and Beauty
• Creation and Attraction
• Luck and Personal Magnetism
• Money and Sensuality
• Bonding energy and Nurturing love
• Harmony and Integration

What does Taurus Represent?

Taurus is the Second Sign of the natural Zodiac, which is cherished for strength and stamina. It likes to keep a firm hand on possessions and material prosperity. Taurus looks for the good things in life. Dominated by the romantic Planet of Venus, Taurus is characterized by strong values. In reality, Taurus governs realism and security.

Venus in Taurus

Venus in Taurus When Venus is in Taurus, she looks impressively fine, or dignified. Venus does not receive any aspect from the outer most planets such as Saturn, Jupiter or Mars. Venus represents immense wealth– Wealth in this case includes money, luxury, properties, social status etc…. and it also embodies love and sex. This makes Venus to operate more independently and shower its unadulterated radiation bestowing all the comforts and peace to everybody. Venus in Taurus is social, deeply empathetic, liberal, adoring, entertaining and extremely artistic. This translates as this upcoming time being ripe to gain immense wealth and all its’ bounty.

During this positive start to Venus’ journey, you can lose the desire to overspend and preserve your financial stability. You can begin to cut unwanted issues that have been damaging to your self esteem and confidence by appeasing the planet Venus and its overlord; Goddess Lakshmi.Know More….